Koolwal Kothi

Address: 40, Govt. Hospital Road, Nawalgarh, Dist. Jhunjhunu Rajasthan 333042 INDIA Jhunjhunu  Rajasthan  333042 , IN

About Koolwal Kothi
Established in : 1934
Ownership Type : Other

The Koolwal Kothi is an impressive heritage building in Nawalgarh. With its monumental façade and combination of traditional and European elements, it is a good representative of British colonial architecture in India. It was constructed in 1934, during the time of Anandi Lal ji Hemraj Ji Koolwal. It has a magnificent frontage with stucco decorative colonnades and a series of rooms organized around a central hall. Itdeviates from the traditional courtyard house planning of the region. Stylistically too, it has more stucco work with very few external fresco paintings, which are otherwise typical to this region. It is very unique in this respect.

 The main building is a two– storied structure with frontal triple arche verandah openings and crowning parapets with decorative urns. The interiors are simple with very little decoration in the rooms. However, the emphasis is on bold and bright colors, and the openings are extenuated with multicolor borders or floral motifs, at times emulating tile or stonewall.

more business details at Website http://www.welcomheritagehotels.in/hotel-overview/koolwal-kothi-nawalgarh

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