
Address: Sacred Heart Town, Wanowrie Pune Maharashtra India 41104, IN
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About Physicsmodels
Established in : 2016
Ownership Type : Private

The author of this site is me -- Kaustubhan Srivathsan. I am a Mechanical Engineer (NIT Surathkal, India), MBA from the prestigious IIM Calcutta, and have more than 30 years of practical experience in industry (mainly automotive industry). In my career, I have been Vice-President of Engineering /Chief Technology Officer at various companies such as top car manufacturer , and a global Engines company . I decided to do this site out of passion and sheer interest to help students to get through physics as easily as possible, saving a lot of time, energy and efforts. I believe that a student who understands physics concepts well has a strong chance to become a great and practical engineer or scientist in future.

more business details at Website

Related Produce/Services
Online physics courses,Physics model
Physics Tutorial Videos

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