
Address: T-95A, 4th Floor, C.L. House Gautam Nagar Complex, New Delhi-110049 (INDIA) New Delhi Delhi 110049, IN

About StarClinch
Established in : 2015
Ownership Type : Private Limited (/PLC)

StarClinch is an ultra-transparent online portal that comprises a huge database of artists spread across 14 categories and 100+ subcategories. We have today more than 9000 artists registered with us, and are doing 200+ shows a month. Besides, we have so far engaged up to 1100 artists for gigs such as private shows, pub shows, weddings, corporate ceremonies, college festivals and other various areas of entertainment. StarClinch has reached a level where it is almost impossible to break its monopoly both in terms of B2B and B2C engagements. We are aiming to take this venture further to registering 25,000 artists by the end of 2017.

more business details at Website

Related Produce/Services
Arts & Entertainment

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